Samoa marks first ever World Animal Day

By Alexander Rheeney 06 October 2022, 9:00PM

The country for the first time marked World Animal Day 2022 with the Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) leading the celebrations.

On Tuesday this week the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) Animal Production and Health Division in collaboration with the FAO marked the day for the first time in the country with the celebrations focusing on the promotion of animal welfare concepts to raising animal living standards to contribute positively to production and quality of life.

According to a statement issued by the MAF on Thursday, more than 50 livestock farmers, students from selected colleges as well as teachers and students from The University of the South Pacific (USP) at Alafua participated in the day’s activities.

The MAF Animal Production and Health Division Assistant CEO, Fesilia’i Tulia Molimau-Iosefa, in her opening remarks emphasised the increasing demand for food in Samoa resulting in the intensification of livestock production. 

She also stressed that the MAF wanted to utilise this special day as a platform to promote animal welfare to raise the standards in caring for animals in our country as well as safety of food for our people.

Fesilia’i later acknowledged the continued collaboration between the MAF and FAO in promoting the development of agriculture in Samoa, while also thanking the valuable contribution of the livestock farmers and reminding them of the wellbeing of the animals in their farms.

The FAO Sub Regional Coordinator for the Pacific, Xiangjun Yao, acknowledged the MAF in Samoa for its partnership with the FAO and the first ever celebration of the World Animal Day in Samoa.

“We celebrate together today a momentous occasion that must be cherished and maintained by all animal owners in Samoa," said Ms. Yao.

"FAO joins the Ministry to raise more awareness on the animal welfare concepts in a partnership approach, to actively engage with animal welfare groups, community groups, livestock farmers, pet owners, students and the general public hoping for a wider dissemination of information and experience”. 

Ms. Yao also reaffirmed that FAO would continue its technical cooperation with the Ministry in activities relevant with sustainable livestock production and animal health.

The participants were able to tour the farms (cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken) within the MAF Livestock Division premises and attended a training session conducted by technical staff as well as information sessions on the services offered by the Ministry as well as other stakeholders (Animal Protection Society, Vaoala Fibee Honey and the fisheries team).


By Alexander Rheeney 06 October 2022, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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