Youths express concerns about marijuana use

By Gutu Faasau 03 October 2022, 8:35PM

Livingstonerick Savaiinaea, 19, Siusega

"What I feel and think about this subject about marijuana is that it should stay and remain banned in Samoa. It should not be allowed because of the many problems that arise from marijuana controlling the minds of the youth nowadays. It should stay illegal, remain banned so that our youth and growing generation do not get into trouble".

Olioli Masoe Paulo, 19, Vaitele-uta

"I disagree with marijuana being legalized because a lot of people die and go crazy because of it. It's bad for your health and I think that it's not good for the lungs as well".

Valentine Hugo, 18, Lalomanu

"With what I know, it is not allowed and it shouldn't be allowed in Samoa. We can see from the work that the police are doing and this is where it also stands in that it should still remain illegal. Many youth who smoke marijuana always seem to cause trouble at home, when their parents try to talk to them they will become rebellious, all because of this drug and that is why I strongly stand with my opinion that it should remain banned".

Vaiee Sasa, 20, Toamua

"It's bad for you, it's bad for your body, it's not useful to anyone and it's banned for the safety of our country. It especially isn't good for the family, it ruins the minds of people causing them to make bad choices that will affect the welfare of those around you".

Alpha Pelenato, 17, Saanapu 

"Marijuana is a really strong topic for everyone. Everyone has a different perspective on it whether it could either be good or bad. It's shown that it could cure some diseases but it can also be bad because it promotes crime due to it being an illegal substance. It encourages other people to stay addicted and can cause harm if too much is taken so my answer is marijuana is both good and bad".

Rosana Loto, 18, Safaatoa

"The bad impact of marijuana as a student is that you won't be able to focus well in class because you know you would obviously be really high and it's also no better at home, your parents will scold you. You will also have to waste money just to buy it, where as the money can be used for your future." 


By Gutu Faasau 03 October 2022, 8:35PM
Samoa Observer

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