Samoa getting used to having tourists again

By Alexander Rheeney 03 October 2022, 12:00PM

Tourists arriving in Samoa have varied reactions on the reopening of borders, as the nation gets used to welcoming international visitors again after the border closures. 

For a family of four, a couple and two children, this was their first time. 

"We usually go to Rarotonga but decided to come to Samoa this time. It is our first time here," Laurence said. 

Asked how the children and his wife were doing, Laurence said they enjoy the beach and are quite happy it is not overly crowded. 

" We have young children so we are happy that we chose to come now as it does not seem overly crowded," he said. 

Asked about the fare difference between Rarotonga and Samoa, Laurence said there is not much difference. 

" It is not too expensive, I think they are similar fares to both islands," he said. 

" We really like Upolu. We want to go to Savaii because we heard it is also a beautiful place," he said. 

Asked what he thought of the people, Laurence alluded to the obvious joy in people's faces to see tourists. 

" It is so nice to see that everyone seems happy to see tourists on the island," he said. 

" You can tell from the way they look at you that they are both surprised but happy that we are on the island," he said. 

Another tourist from Europe, Judit told Samoa Observer that Samoa is a special place. 

" I watched the men and boys making the umu ( hot stones cookery) and I was mesmerized," she said. 

" It is very nice to see that the men are the main chefs in Samoa, because where I come from it is always the women," she said. 

A resident of Vailoa Aleipata,  who sometimes supplies taro and pigs for the tourist operators on the south coast showed gladness that the tourists are in Samoa. 

" I am glad to see that there are finally tourists on the island. We can hope to give more kids jobs and also make use of the taro and pigs that we have as they all go to something useful for the village and our families," he said. 

By Alexander Rheeney 03 October 2022, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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