
By Enid Westerlund 24 December 2023, 3:00PM

I attended a beautiful wedding this morning (Saturday).  Sunrise wedding and finished before 9:30 am, the kind of wedding I love, short, sweet, and good dancing.  Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Solo! God bless your new family and may the love of Christ become the foundation of your marriage.  Despite the cloudy weather, guests turned up on time and the program was followed by the MC to a tee. Malo lava.

You know you are an extra naughty or good friend when you are seated next to the bride’s parents! I hope it was the latter. Speeches were all done by the ladies. The mother of the bride talked about their mother-and-daughter relationship.  She’s the eldest daughter and serves her family well, an obedient child who sacrifices a lot for the family. It was a summary of a mother and daughter relationship that is based on discipline, prayer and love.

The maid of honour described their relationship that has stood the test of time.  She and the bride have known each other for more than 40 years.  It started at primary school and continues today.   The kind of friendship that has become familial, sisters in friendship.  It reminded me of my sister-friends whom I’ve known since I was three.  The friends who will take you in if you are homeless.  The friends who speak life into you when you are down.  The friends who have your back and are in your corner.  Do you have friends like these? 

The maid of honour told the story of how they became friends.  When they were in primary school, their peers would go swimming after school while she swung under the pulu tree.  One day, her swing broke and all the kids went swimming including the bride.  After some time, the bride came back to the broken swing.  

“Oh, why did you stop swimming? Why are you back here?”, said the maid of honour.

“I came back to help with your swing”, replied the bride. 

“From that day onwards, she stayed and never left my side.  We’ve been sisters ever since”.  

A beautiful story that started with compassion and care, much like the story of Christmas. We need compassion and a saviour.  Jesus was sent to do just that.  He is the reason for this season, through him salvation came.  Everyone needs a friend, someone they can count on, someone who will not abandon them in good and tough times.  

This Christmas, some of us are not feeling jolly or want to celebrate.  Some families lost loved ones during this season, and it is only a reminder of the void they left.  Some families do not have food right now or have cash power.  

Some families are going through worrying times. Some women and children wake up to violence today from a drunk father.   Some are calling the police right now due to quarrels. There is still a war on the other side of the world, but can we call it war if it’s not a fair fight?

While we enjoy another peaceful Sunday Samoa, hold your loved ones closer, a little longer, tell them you love them, forgive a neighbour, reconcile with a friend, share food with those less fortunate, and spread a little bit of kindness today.  

Merry Christmas and a blessed new year! 

By Enid Westerlund 24 December 2023, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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