Are you mother’s day ready?
Well the week is going by fast and have you made plans for Mother’s Day? If you have, then good on you and well done on being organised. If you are like the rest of us and will think about it on Friday, then don’t worry. There are plenty of options for gifts.
Whether your mother is into jewellery or fashion, I am sure you will find something online or in town for her. If she’s a home maker and loves gardening, get her some ornamentals from the beautiful gardens around and I mean buy them, not uproot them at night. Think of your Mother’s love language.
What does she like to do? Where does she like to go when she treats herself? Is there a special like or food she enjoys? Her favourite hangout place? Her favourite people? How does she like to be treated?
Whatever you do, don’t be lazy or thoughtless and just send her an envelope of money unless that is her love language. Me? Well I am treating Mother Dearest to a spa day. We enjoy our self care and getting a massage can be one of the best things in life. Where you are at the mercy of gentle handed women or soft music in a dim lit room, nothing but the caring for your body. If your mama is not around, visit her grave or treat your aunty who is your next mama. Aunties are angels sent to us when our mothers are gone. I can think of a few aunties who are always there for me, no matter what.
Mothers you deserve all the gifts coming to you. There is no role in life that is more fulfilling, hard and rewarding at the same time. Here is to hoping for a lot more sleep this week, a lot more love as you get hugs from your blessings, the children you raise and nurture every single day. Mother’s day isn’t just one day of the year, is should be every day. Why not? We mother every day right? Not just in May. You deserve to be loved in return, respected and you play a crucial role in shaping the lives of your children and in turn the creating the future.
We have been given this special role as God knew only we can handle, pregnancy, hormone changes, child birth, weight gain, sleepless nights, worrying over our babies when they are young, demanding jobs, domestic work, on top of that, everything else that makes the house runs smoothly and everything else in between.
If you are not a mother, you are woman. You are still a mother in many ways as we care for our ageing parents, nieces and nephews, friends’ children and everyone else in our circles.
For mothers who are separated from their children, those who are away at university, overseas with their own families or under other circumstances. I pray you find peace and comfort in knowing that you have done the best for them. You have done well.
May your heart overflow with gratitude at whatever stage you are in life. If you are a mother who is alone on this special day, I hope you reach out to a friend or someone close, just to share this day. It can be lonely when you are alone and single. Enjoy the rest of the week and don’t forget that love does cost.
Love is sacrificial and putting others before yourself. Love isn’t self centred and I believe all mothers are capable of this love. Remember it’s Mother’s Day in a few days.