“If good people do nothing, bad will triumph!
Dear Editor,
A bit of Australiana to start with:
Things are crook in Tallarook, things are wrong in Wollongong, and things are lower in Samoa!
85 children in care due to family violence and sexual assault. Some women as well. That is disgusting and disgraceful for a population of only 200,000.
One girl as young as 11 years old was impregnated by her father. What a dreadful citizen of the world he is. Must make poor old Judge Vui sick when he is confronted by pieces of work like that.
Another girl just the other day, was so afraid of the embarrassment and stigma (who was the father?) that she disposed of her newborn babies into a trash can. I can’t speak for others, but relating that story to someone the other day had me pause halfway through with welled-up emotion. Siliniu would have loved to have cared for those babies.
Boxing is not a sport, it’s violence. They hit one another. One term is a giveaway – “knock out.” Kids see it and think it’s ok. “What does your Daddy do?” “He beats people up!” They follow suit and enact these deeds. It’s no wonder Samoa is a violent place. Warrier is another name for a thug and is used too much. Netballers are not warriors, they are wonderful young ladies playing proper sports.
Your religion rubbish is not doing you much good is it?
I’m an atheist and don’t need some fictitious being to be virtually telling me what to do. I like your 10 commandments, and I live by them without some dude in a white coat jamming them down my throat and paying him for saying so. He who incidentally may think those ten points are optional for himself, whilst running the most lucrative business in town, and has the best golf clubs thanks to the poor in his parish, who he keeps sucking dry. I live by those 10 guidelines - naturally.
You had a despot for a prime minister, and now a potential one who could quite possibly be worse if he gets into the chair. I’m not a Fiame fan either. I think she’s been quite useless. She can/may do better without La’auli around.
Then you have La’auli’s bunch of brown-nosing “sicko-fans” (thugs) who are an insult to their matai titles.
If you’re a cabinet minister and you get charged with a criminal offence by police, you stand down. What part of that doesn’t La’auli and his misguided disciples understand?
Never forget, La’auli is 100% responsible for the mess you’re all in now.
There are some wonderful people in Samoa, who my wife and I like so dearly, and they deserve better than what gets dished out to them day in and day out by the bad. According to your religions, there shouldn’t be any bad. Have a good look. You know there are, but nobody does anything to stop them, just follow blindly, like sheep jumping over a fence into a barren paddock.
Where are all the good people of Samoa? Get rid of the rotten ones.
You like long names and titles, well, all you’ve had in politics are La’auli Donald Tuilaepa Malielegaoi Schmidt Trump, and the future looks no brighter.
Time for the good people to rise up against the bad.
As it has been said many times by Samoans themselves, yes the world is watching, and yes it is embarrassing to witness. Talking to a Samoan expat the other day, who has the Samoan coat of arms tattooed on him, he said he could not possibly go back because of the crime, violence, politics, corruption and theft at all levels of society, lack of decent food and all of that just getting far worse by the day. And, “La’auli needs to get out.” The man added that he and his extended family refuse to send money, saying “Samoans on the island can help themselves.” His thoughts - I could not possibly comment. Yes, I can!
Oh, and if you’re against what I have said here – you’re just straight-up bad, and I don’t read comments. I don’t waste my time on no-hopers, I just delete them without reading them. There are too many misinformation dills, just like anti-vaxxer fools, those who put out misinformation for some sort of ridiculous sport, and the simple-minded who believe rubbish. As an old saying goes, the definition of insanity is – “being too stupid to learn from the evidence staring them in the face.”
At 75 years old, travelled the world extensively, and having a broad mind, I’m too old to care about what anybody says, or be afraid of any stupid threats, idle or otherwise. Go for your life, if bagging “truth sayers” rattles your cage.
I have a deep love of Samoa, but I won’t hold back this time. I’m sick and tired of bad people and the good not speaking up, and just bumping their gums and doing nothing. This is just a bit of tough love – if you don’t like it – too bad. Good people I’ve spoken to over many years all quietly agree with all I have said here.
Some fellow once said that I have no right to say anything about Samoa. Wrong! As long as part of my taxes goes to that country I will speak up. In fact, we are all global citizens and are entitled to speak up against bad if we feel like doing so, no matter where it happens. What’s the saying you see in this fine Samoa Observer sometimes? Something like, “If good people do nothing, bad will triumph!!!”
Larry Murphy