The Darkest Days in our Democracy: Anniversary at HRPP Headquarters

Dear Editor,

September 14th and 15th mark the anniversary of the darkest two days in the political history of our Independent State of Samoa.

On these two days in 2021, Samoa witnessed how the Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Government leadership, with the Speaker and FAST dominated Parliament, put up steel fences to prevent 22 Members of our newly elected Human Rights Protection Party from entering Parliament to be sworn in.

The Police, with 5 feet tall riot shields and batons, blocked all our MPs on the 14th of September from entering parliament and its precincts to be sworn in.

On the 15th September, the Police withdrew and we drove to Parliament only to be stopped outside by Police barricades again.

This time, Police threatened to charge and lock us up if we did not leave Parliament grounds within 10 minutes.

Police vehicles were on standby to take us to Tanumalala Prison.

The Head of State and his Good Lady, the Council of Deputies Member and his wife, and Members of the National Council of Churches and their wives came to kneel before Parliament to allow us in.

They were all ignored.

Even the late Archbishop of the Catholic Church who staged a Traditional Apology in front of the Fiame Mata’afa Faumuina Mulinu’u II Government Building was completely ignored by the PM, Speaker and their FAST Party members.

On 16th September, we took the matter to Court for its directive.

The Court ruled in favor of the HRPP’s legal challenge and immediately directed the Speaker of Parliament and Government to swear us in forthwith.

However, the order was rejected.

FAST wanted to rush its budget before swearing us in.

Again, we asked the Court which ruled once again to swear us in forthwith or else.

We were thus sworn in on 17th September 2021.

HRPP must forever commemorate these two days annually as a reminder to Samoa’s future generations to be careful when voting for future MPs and political parties.

We must always be aware of leaders who lack integrity and honesty.

Their greed and corruption will destroy the fabric of our society, including all our village committees that coexist peacefully under the watchful care of our village Councils of Chiefs and the village Christian Church leaders.

Samoa must remain vigilant and protect our nation from short-sighted and destructive leaders who are a threat to the reputation and future of our people and nation.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

Samoa Observer

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