Crimes on the Rise!

Serious crimes, involving the use of firearms, are on the rise in our beautiful Samoa, according to the diligent reporting of our local media that keeps us informed daily.

Visitors, shops and homes have been targeted.

Even cameras installed in some of the homes and businesses attacked do not seem to deter the criminals.

Illegal drug use is also involved in these incidents that are becoming increasingly violent and happening in broad daylight without any fear of recognition.

In the New Zealand media this week, it is reported that the methamphetamine epidemic in Fiji is threatening societal collapse.

The Fiji Minister for Home Affairs warned that the crisis is creating a “nation of zombies.”

Samoa must do all it can to ensure that we do not go down that path.

What must we do?

Fortunately, in the rural areas, the strong leadership by the chiefs and orators has contributed immensely to the maintenance of law and order in our villages.

We need to help the Samoa Police Service (SPS) combat these crimes and catch these criminals.

Government must make the necessary resources available to SPS to shut down these illegal weapons and drug operations and bring those responsible to justice.

In addition, our extended family system can be a valuable partner in helping identify those who are involved in these crimes.

Samoa is a small country, there are no secrets. We all know who is doing what, where, when, and to whom.

Samoa must not let the criminals feel that they are immune from justice.

In our view, our Court of Justice is also a critical part of the national response to this threat.

The outstanding cases that have been deferred for so long involving senior Ministers of the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Government must now be heard.

This will uphold the principles of true independence of the Courts that are universally applied in democratic governments of the Commonwealth. Compliance to these principles is closely monitored by the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group, of which Samoa is a member.

Devine help, often requested by the Judges during their annual Prayers Services is always granted, provided the intention was genuine.

With CHOGM just around the corner, it would be an excellent chance for Samoa to show the world that we are all equal under the law.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

Samoa Observer

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