Aiono's response to SNPF loans

Dear Editor,

The leading article in your issue 28 February named me in person as receiving “the largest loan approved by the SNPF Board, with three of the borrowers being the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Sheraton Samoa, and Aiono Dr Alec Ekeroma. Of note is that the reporter decided to use the names of the borrowing entities for all the others (eg Pure Water, Niu Pharmacy, Vailima Breweries, etc) except in my case.

Further along, the article continued, “a private clinic owned by Aiono also managed to get $2.1 million”. I do not own a private clinic, and the borrowing entity is not a clinic. Has your reporter or someone in the SNPF an axe to grind?

Aiono Alec Ekeroma

Editor's Note: The document listing the loans shows the loan was made to Dr Alec Ekeroma while others are listed as companies. 

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