Starlink in Samoa
I find the letter from the Acting Regulator banning the use of Starlink in Samoa to be quite incredible.
I believe that she may well be right off the planet! Does she not know that Starlink receivers are exactly that – receivers? They do not transmit any information except perhaps their IP address. Is this not the same as “Sky Pacific“ or, all short-wave services coming into Samoa.
Do they all conform to the regulations of the Office of The Regulator? If they do not, then surely it must be an offence to operate a short-wave radio or for that matter, a satellite phone. Does the Internet conform to the legalities of Samoa when it comes to the free and legal transmission of pornography?
Does television broadcast from Pago Pago and received here conform to Samoan legalities, probably not, especially since the NTSC standard is used! I think not! Never have I seen such a desperate attempt by vested interests to stop competition.
I believe it’s called restrictive trade practice! And as regards dangers to “National Security”, I didn’t hear of anyone in Tonga complaining after it lost the communications cable and Mr. Musk offered the Starlink service to get it out of trouble!
Does this edict mean that I will have to dismantle my crystal set because it can pick up unregulated broadcasts? How can someone be fined for receiving radiated energy? Does this mean that no one can join the SETI search for Extra Terrestial life?
But who cares?
Charlie Mansfield