Apia port is unsafe for six months of the year

Several days ago, we witnessed extremely dangerous ocean swells at our Apia Port.

One commercial fishing vessel was washed ashore and a scheduled cruise ship avoided berthing by-passing Apia for other destinations.

An American Samoa government vessel that came on Monday to take back Star Kist workers for their fish cannery in American Samoa also delayed its departure till Thursday.

In early 1970, an engineering study recommended that a safe port of the future for Samoa should be built at Vaitele/Vaiusu Bay which is swell free.

Our leaders in 1970 opted for the cheaper alternative and we are paying the heavy price for that bad decision.

Many attempts have been made to stop the swells and they have all failed.

We cannot interfere with nature.

The Human Rights Protection Party Government has sought financing assistance from a number of donors to build the Vaitele/Vaiusu wharf and only The Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China responded positively.

The change of Government in Samoa and priorities have resulted in our Port of the future remaining an idea only.

 Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

Samoa Observer

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