With weak capacity Samoa do very little

Most if not all of the Pacific Island Nations face two major challenges to their developments – shortages of skilled manpower and equipment - the reason why development partners are overly generous with their training assistance and AID in kind.

It is also the reason Governments put in place policies to encourage their best qualified, experienced and honest nationals to serve their Governments and to continue to retain them.

Many of our educated Samoans serving in Samoa out of love for their country, have high marketable skills but those opportunities are sacrificed to serve our people.

Last week we heard of another highly qualified Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Women and Community Development being forced to resign, a political decision by the newly appointed Minister of MWCD and former Minister of Finance.

It seems like this is her specialty, sacking experienced capable servants of the State of Samoa under her responsibility.

When is this madness going to end?

Was it intended to put in place another Yes Madam Minister substitute that would do anything she wants?

Recently, Minister of Agriculture Laauli Leuatea Schmidt, revealed through the media that we are short of workers!

Of course, we are!

Our educated sons and daughters cannot continue to serve in a Government where their skills are not recognized.

In the interest of Good Governance, here is another suggestion, free of charge from the Human Rights Protection Party, Madam Minister, hold your horses!

More specifically, deregister also the illegal Stock Market which is now finally registered with MCIL, a move which encourages money laundering!

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

Samoa Observer

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