Is the FAST Party's trip justified?

By The Editorial Board 02 October 2024, 10:00AM

It somehow feels that the justification given by the chairman for the Fa’atuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.), La’auli Leuatea Schmidt on why the party has to go on an overseas trip now is not good enough.

The ruling party and some of its senior members will be out of the country this month and make their return just in time for CHOGM.

CHOGM has been the government’s focus for the last two years and all major projects for people have taken second place.

If CHOGM is so important why is there a need to go now?  The trip can be made after CHOGM. All senior ministers should be in the country this month. Only 19 days remain for CHOGM and they are needed to be part of the decision-making process.

La’auli said the F.A.S.T. trip includes a late celebration of the party’s anniversary and fundraising was planned in June and this is the only available time for their supporters.

The trip kicks off in Brisbane, Australia, in early October, with the Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, attending one of the four celebrations scheduled for Australian states.

The government leaders will return to Samoa in time to welcome Commonwealth leaders. The trip will resume in November when the part goes to the United States of America, and the celebration will be wrapped up in New Zealand in December.

Fiame is also scheduled to participate in one of the party events in the United States and New Zealand.

“The availability of our families overseas is something we have no control over and the reason why we rolled out the programme on those dates,” La’auli said in an interview with the Samoa Observer.

This is contrary to the actions the party would take locally. In Samoa, the people wait for the ministers to become available. Is La’auli saying they value those overseas more than those who reside in Samoa? The FAST Party is Samoan and they serve the people of Samoa.

The real reason why the trip is being made is to garner finances for the next general election. Although the party will not say this, everyone knows that when political parties make such trips they return with money ‘donated’ by their supporters. Hence a need for the party to be present when the supporters or families have the time.

In April of this year, the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) raked in over NZ$300,000 from two separate events in New Zealand. Not taking into account the fundraisers held in other countries.

Similarly, the FAST Party is now taking its turn. This could have been done at a later time. However, according to La’auli it cannot because families are unavailable on any other dates.

Yes, there are officials tasked with CHOGM preparations but they need the leaders of the nation present to show guidance and feel supported. Unless they are attending the United Nations General Assembly or have a medical emergency, there should be no reason for party members and cabinet ministers to be absent from the country.

We have villages raising thousands of tala every week to support the government’s intent of a successful CHOGM, and then we have leaders who spend their own money for trips abroad to raise money for the party and not the nation.

For the last two years, it has been echoed that CHOGM is the most important international event for the country. The importance of this event should not be shown by the party in this manner. The diaspora is not going anywhere.

It is agreed that the cabinet allows leave for family matters and political party purposes. But this is not the time. The government has prioritised CHOGM over key infrastructure developments, and important laws and policies have been shifted to later parliamentary sittings.

There is a hospital that needs serious attention, teachers are being lost almost every week further weakening the education system, more and more children are selling on the streets, the cost of power is among the highest in the region, there is a lack of food security because of the failure to promote agriculture and fisheries, meth cases are on the increase and there is no end to violence in homes.

Yet, members of the FAST Party believe that meeting with the diaspora is more important than being in the country.

The message given here is that the party is putting its needs first rather than doing what is right for the people.

Opposition Leader Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi summed it up well. “It reflects poorly on our country if leaders, particularly cabinet ministers, choose to miss the meeting for personal gain,” he said.

There is still time now to reconsider the dates for the FAST Party tour. Show the people why the FAST Party was formed, to serve the people.

For transparency and accountability, we hope that the FAST Party will declare how much they collected from the trips.

By The Editorial Board 02 October 2024, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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