Looking forward to cheaper internet prices

By The Editorial Board 23 September 2024, 10:00AM

A new era of cheap internet prices heralds as soon as Space X’s Starlink gets approval. It was good news from the Office of the Regulator that the anticipated service will be offered at significantly reduced costs.

One thing is for sure, the internet is not cheap in Samoa and people are paying hefty prices to be connected. Hats off to the OOTR for staying tough and negotiating a deal with Space X to benefit the people.

The internet is no longer a luxury. It has become a necessity. It has become the means of communication and the way of doing business. It will soon be the means of currency exchange as the world becomes a cashless society.

It is also becoming a necessity for students. Modern-day businesses are reliant on the internet. It would therefore make sense for internet prices to be cheaper. In a month, the nation will host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, the key to the success of this international event is internet connectivity.

Regulator Lematua Gisa Fuatai-Purcell emphasised that the quality of service from SpaceX's Starlink is expected to be superior, with faster internet speeds that will benefit many users across the islands.

As negotiations between SpaceX and the Office of the Regulator continue, Lematua confirmed that the company has already agreed to several critical terms.

Chief among these is the pricing structure, which will allow the units to be sold in Samoan tala, thus making them more affordable for locals. "This means purchasing will be much cheaper than using US dollars," she remarked.

However, there are still additional matters under consideration before the service goes live.

One crucial topic is the creation of flexible data plans that can cater to the varying needs of the population.

"We have requested that they develop plans that are more accessible financially, especially since not everyone can afford large monthly bundles," Lematua noted, adding that she is awaiting confirmation on the pricing of these plans.

Lematua stressed the importance of Starlink services for addressing connectivity issues in both remote and urban areas of Samoa.

"While there is some internet access, the quality in many parts of the country remains substandard, making it difficult for people to rely on it," she explained.

The government has a responsibility to ensure that internet is accessible and affordable because for economic growth connectivity is an important tool and an enabler. For this reason, the concept of free internet should be looked into. But perhaps that is something for the future.

In Fiji, internet prices were slashed after the regulatory authority ensured that line rental costs for telecommunication providers were reduced. Telecommunication companies' rental fee to be connected to the submarine cable was slashed from $40,000 per month to just $640. This led to a significant drop in internet prices.

The nation can follow this pathway. According to the Regulator, similar action has been taken where the telecommunication providers cost for line rental has been dropped but the prices in effect now are something that was approved before this happened.

In reality, if the providers want to lower their prices, they can submit new price lists and get it done but there is a ‘fat chance’ of that happening because lower costs and higher sale prices mean more profit.

As we know, the internet has become an integral part of our lives. From communication to business, education to entertainment, the internet has become a necessary component of modern society. However, not everyone has access to the internet and not everyone can afford the internet services, which are serious issues that need to be addressed.

In today's world, the internet is not only a tool for communication and entertainment, but also a vital part of the economy. With the transition to digital currency, the internet has become an essential part of financial transactions. People need to be able to access the internet to buy and sell goods and services, regardless of their economic status. This is particularly important for people living in poverty, who may not have access to traditional banking services.

In addition, the internet is crucial for the elderly and disabled. Many of these individuals may have difficulty physically going to a bank or store, but they can use pay apps and other online tools to make transactions. By providing free internet access, we can ensure that everyone can participate in the digital economy.

Moreover, the internet is an important tool for education. With the rise of online learning, students need access to the internet to access educational resources and tools. Without internet access, students from poorer communities will be at a disadvantage compared to their wealthier counterparts.

Finally, the internet is a critical part of our infrastructure. It is essential for communication and emergency services. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet played a crucial role in keeping people connected and informed.

Providing cheaper internet access for everyone is a necessary step towards ensuring that everyone has access to the digital economy, education, and communication.

The government can go a step further and invest in free internet access, we can create a more equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to participate in the digital world, where most economic activity takes place now.

Look forward to another great week in sunny Samoa.

By The Editorial Board 23 September 2024, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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