The Italy game is more than just a Test

By The Editorial Board 02 July 2024, 10:00AM

Watching Theo McFarland play for Manu Samoa in the 2023 Rugby World Cup was a pleasure. He was one of the few standouts, a real line breaker and work-horse.

The new-look Manu Samoa side needed the right man to lead the charge in the July Tests and the selection could not have been much better. He is a leader on and off the pitch. He is exemplary as a player who wants to win.

During the RWC campaign, he was one of those players who showed the hunger to win. He is a dual international having represented Samoa in basketball before landing rugby contracts. Hopefully, he will be able to lead Manu Samoa to a victory against Italy and Spain.

It will be pulling a rabbit out of a hat if the team manages to surprise the Italians given the little time they have had to train together. Italy had the good fortune of playing in the Six Nations earlier this year.

They beat Wales and Scotland, drew with France, and went down to England by three points. This is a much-experienced outfit with games against top teams. On the other hand, the Manu Samoa squad assembled for the first time this year last Sunday.

Realistically, they have just three days to prepare. The blame for this has to be borne by Lakapi Samoa. For more than six months, it was known that the July tests would take place in Apia.

Is the financial situation in such a rut, that it is getting hard to assemble the national team? It seems rather timely that Vodafone Samoa came on board, and the team managed to assemble days later. Everyone needs that one good sponsor.

If this is the financial situation now, what happens when Manu Samoa heads into the Pacific Nations Cup? Manu Samoa is yet to book their 2027 Rugby World Cup ticket. The PNC provides that chance to Manu Samoa. The new format includes Japan, USA and Canada. Things will not be easy because if the team makes the top two from the regional pool, they must travel to either Japan or the USA.

This is poor planning. This administrative blunder should not disadvantage the Manu Samoa players who have put their hands up to play for the nation. They will surely be putting their bodies on the line on Friday evening.

Head coach Mase Mahonri Schwalger knows too well the capability of the Italians. As a former Test player and someone who has plied the trade in Europe, he knows he has too little time to get the desired result on Saturday.

This match is his first as the mentor. After his controversial takeover as the new coach, this game is also about proving that it was the right time for his predecessor to move. Mase has selected a new-look and young squad.

For that, he should be applauded. He moved away from the practice seen in the last four years where aging and injury-prone players were selected. The results of which were witnessed in the last Rugby World Cup. These players came in for the last hurrah before they hanged their boots.

Despite a good squad, what Mase does not have on his side is time. The time to get the combinations clicking and to get the set pieces drilled in. His best chance would be to get the Manu Samoa players to play free-flowing rugby and run the ball. Keep a little surprise for the unsuspecting Italians. He is the coach and he must have a game plan.

The ticket prices for the grandstand could have been much cheaper. Should we expect to find the centre sitting empty and the ground and alternate stands full? Lakapi Samoa is counting on a big home crowd to make some money off the gate takings. They do need it.

All the best boys in the game on Friday. We hope you make Samoa proud. And go out there and support the boys.

By The Editorial Board 02 July 2024, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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