Ta'i's Take. What's in a name?

By Seuseu Faalogo 02 February 2025, 6:00PM

The ruling party - Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua tasi - Faith in God Samoa is one - or Samoa is united in faith in God - is in two parts - Prime Minister Fiame's group and Party Chairman La'auli's group. The two groups may still claim to be united in their faith in God but it's obvious they differ in faith in each other.

La'auli's group of twenty (20) now claims to have the power to dismiss Fiame's group of fifteen (15) from the ruling party; a claim the smaller group denies as unconstitutional. Whether the split is legal or just verbal and one-sided the fact remains that we have a Parliament of three parts - Opposition Leader Tuilaepa and his HRPP group, and the two groups of the two-part Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi [or Two?], FAST, party.

As for the government, Fiame and her minority part of FAST hold the levers of power but only outside of Parliament House because La'auli and his group can easily, if they want to, join up with Tuilaepa and the Opposition and vote down any government proposal. But in that case, Tuilaepa will have the power of control as the Opposition can also side with Fiame to frustrate any of Laauli and his group's plans.

What a conundrum! A puzzling question indeed is if FAST MPs do not come to their senses to sort out their differences and use their majority to do what is needed for the benefit of the people. They only have a few months before the next general elections, so they need to move on and do something worthwhile in the limited time they have left.

Most urgent of all is the matter at the Courts; the two-headed judiciary is untenable.

The Land and Titles Court has been and should always be a part of the one system of justice with the Chief Justice as the one head of the judiciary as it always was.

And while we are at it whatever happened to the investigation on how the Head of State signed four different versions of what Parliament passed as the new Land and Titles Act 2020?

And was anything ever done to find out who made the changes to the Bills that were passed by Parliament before they were signed by the Head of State?

And may we point out to the disputing parties that there are proper ways to sort out differences such as this suggested by one Greg Anderson: “The Law of Win/Win says, ‘Let’s not do it your way or my way; let’s do it the best way’.”

Or this by the great Albert Einstein: “There’s been a quantum leap technologically in our age, but unless there’s another quantum leap in human relations, unless we learn to live in a new way towards one another, there will be a catastrophe.”

The new way towards one another is the old way: Love thy neighbour as thyself.

The right way is the best way. Manuia tele le vaiaso fou o le masina fou.

By Seuseu Faalogo 02 February 2025, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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