Ta'i's Take: To err is human, to forgive divine

By Seuseu Faalogo 05 October 2024, 9:00PM

The internet record shows that: Back in 1711, when Alexander Pope wrote, “To err is human, to forgive divine,” International Forgiveness Day did not exist. It would come into being centuries later.

What does to err is human, and to forgive divine mean?

To err is human, to forgive divine is an aphorism meaning that making mistakes is part of human nature. Yet, for humans to forgive each other for those errors … that’s more like something a god would do.

It has been a week since Tuatagaloa Aumua Ming Leung Wai, chairman of St Joseph College Board of Governance, issued a public apology that said: We sincerely apologise to the general public and Maluafou College, and in particular, the student who was injured during the altercation.

The public apology followed reports that a Maluafou College student was beaten up by St Joseph College students.

In issuing the apology Tuatagaloa also reported that on 12 September, almost two weeks before the fight in which the student of Maluafou College was seriously injured another fight had taken place in the town between students of the two colleges when students of Maluafou College stoned a bus carrying students of St Joseph's College.

We have not seen a denial of that report, nor has anyone said sorry for it.

Yet St Joseph's has lost the college principal, strengthened its Code of Conduct for Students and put in place new policies relating to discipline. This was done with the assistance of the Board, a consultant and members of the Marist Old Pupils Association.

We are confident, says the Board, that these measures and policies are the right ones and will strengthen discipline within the College.

In terms of the aphorism quoted above we can reflect and note that making mistakes is part of human nature . . . for humans to forgive each other for those errors . . . that's more like something a god would do. Would the lifting of St Joseph's ban be a thing a god would do?

On the political side, with respect, we suggest that the Hon. Tuilaepa and the Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) will do well to dwell on this message as it was disappointing to read what they said about September 14th and 15th, that they mark the anniversary of the darkest two days in the political history of our independent State of Samoa.

On those two days in 2021, Samoa witnessed how Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Government leadership with the Speaker and FAST dominated Parliament, put up steel fences to prevent 22 Members of our newly elected Human Rights Protection Party from entering Parliament to be sworn in.

It seems that the HRPP leader has a very short memory of the events leading to the events he has so graphically described.

The world through news stories saw how His Honour the Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, the third co-equal estate of our democracy, tried unsuccessfully to open Parliament and had to turn away. The world also saw how the 26 Members of Parliament of the FAST party were forced to be sworn in under a tent because of the locked Parliament.

True, His Highness the Head of State and the Masiofo were turned away but this gathering was not the constitutional requirement that Parliament had to meet so many days after the general election. The Member of the Council of Deputies also refused to do his constitutional duty when the Head of State was unable to do his.

We note that the HRPP must forever commemorate the two days annually as a reminder to Samoa's future generations to be careful when voting for future MPS and political parties.

Warning: We must always be aware of leaders who lack integrity and honesty.

Their greed and corruption will destroy the fabric of our society, including all village committees that coexist peacefully under the watchful eye of our village Councils of Chiefs and the village Christian Church leaders.

Samoa must remain vigilant and protect our nation from short-sighted and destructive leaders who are a threat to the reputation and future of our people and nation.

We whole-hearted support the call by the HRPP leader as he has not directly pointed the finger at the FAST Party but has called generally for all Samoans to choose honest MPs and honest political parties.

Tuilaepa obviously sides with former president Trump of the USA when he said: There are good people on both sides.

Ia manuia lava le vaiaso fou.


By Seuseu Faalogo 05 October 2024, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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