Musika Moana: Choir competition unites voices and communities

By Sariah Magaoa 25 September 2024, 5:00PM

Nine Pasifika choirs from across Tāmaki Makaurau competed in the first Musika Moana Choir Competition in Aotearoa last Saturday.

A symphony of melodies and harmonies engulfed the crowd who gathered at the Due Drop Events Centre in Manukau to show their support for the competing groups.

Each choir was required to perform two songs including the competition song composed by Helen Tupai, renowned choir director and composer, and a song of the choir’s choice sung in a Pacific language of their choosing.

Three esteemed judges from around the country, and renowned Pacific music experts, said it was “very difficult” to choose the top five winners as each choir performed exceptionally well.

But at the end of the day, there can only be one winner. Taking home first place with prize money of $16,000 was the EFKS Aukilani Youth Choir.

The second place of $7,000 went to Magele I Sasa’e EFKS Choir.

The third place of $5,000 went to Ascension Choir.

Fourth place of $3,000 went to Sinoti Sāmoa Mission Choir, and coming in fifth place with a prize money of $2,000 was Maamaloa Choir.

EFKS Aukilani Youth Choir musician Fiona Anau said: “It's all incredibly overwhelming.”

“So thankful to God for this opportunity, so thankful for Musika Moana for the platform to let us interpret the songs and also a beautiful piece composed by Helen Tupai as well.”

“I'm so inspired with everyone that competed today. So it's true what they say it wasn't a competition.

“It was just a different championship of the craft and the musicality and everything that everyone brought to the table.

“So I took a lot away from today's experience … winning is an extra piece, but just coming together as a community to actually promote each other and inspire each other.”

When asked what they will be doing with the prize money, Anau said “it’s all about giving back to the community” and investing in their youth and growing generations.

EFKS Aukilani Youth Choir was made up of 86 members from different church denominations.

In a press release, Helen Tupai said, “This competition was not only about showcasing our amazing Pasifika choirs, but also to highlight the strength of our communities, the richness of our Pasifika culture, and the unity we enjoy through music.”

PMN News also spoke with other choir groups before the opening of the competition.

Reverend Martin Mariota, Magele i Sisifo Youth Choir conductor, said the competition has been a great opportunity for young people.

“A lot of our young people have never been in a choir before so this is their first time being in a choir let alone being in a choir competition and it's just been amazing just just seeing their growth.”

Magele i Sisifo Youth Choir was made up of 40 members.

Another young choir, the Auckland Pasifika Voices choir made up of 28 members, shared their sentiments for the day.

“We're here to win … But it's been a long time coming that we've always been dreaming of having a Pasifika choral competition.

“We all know the talent that's in the church and it's time that they come out of the church and spread the word of God around the world. But to have it here today is such a huge thing. So, great to be a part of it,” said Auckland Pasifika Voices choral singer Lea’aesola Vuna.

PMN News also spoke to Auckland Pasifika Voices choir director Philip Fepulea’i who shared how important it was for the young people to gain experience.

“I love this for our Pacific communities, especially for those that maybe haven't been able to have the opportunity to sing in a competition like this.

“So it's massive, all experience that can be used elsewhere.

“Our real purpose of being here is for the experience to allow our young people and our old people, just everyone to experience and be proud of being Pasifika through our choral setting,” said Fepulea’i.

Probably the only choir group with a 90-year-old and a six-year-old in the same group, St Paul Presbyterian Church Manurewa choir director and conductor Laloulu-Manusamoa Tiliona Moananu said their main goal was to praise God.

Moananu said it’s not about the money and the main thing is to be happy.

The Musika Moana Choir Competition offered prizes from a total pool of $100,000.

In a press statement, this was to recognise and reward the dedication and talent of top choirs, with the intention that the prize money would go towards initiatives and projects that contribute to the betterment of that community.

The competition was meant to take place in Christchurch this Saturday but was cancelled due to low registrations.

The first contest took place in Wellington earlier in the month and in Auckland last weekend which concluded the event.

Musika Moana was organised by Pacificast and Signature Tautai Trust.

This article was first published on Pacific Media Network.

By Sariah Magaoa 25 September 2024, 5:00PM
Samoa Observer

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