Book Series: Enid is championing literacy

By Faith Leapai 21 September 2024, 6:00PM

In a world where the digital age often overshadows the traditional joys of reading and writing, Enid Westerlund is making waves in the literary world, especially in Samoa.

As an accomplished poet and author of several books, a consultant, an aviation specialist, a businesswoman, a consultant, and a fashion designer, she has also been establishing reading programs to help the children of Samoa since 2021.  

Westerlund’s multifaceted career reflects her deep commitment to knowledge, education and serving Samoa. But perhaps her most impactful work to date is her latest endeavour and consulting work with Asia Foundation: the launch of Tatou Faitau or Let’s Read; Samoa's first 10-book series for children, a project set to reshape the literary landscape and introduce much-needed resources into Samoa schools.

Tatou Faitau or Let's Read, aims to foster a love for reading among young children, and is an initiative by Asia Foundation in partnership with Samoa Early Learning Foundation, a local charitable organisation dedicated to enhancing children's learning.  

Samoa’s first book series will be launched next week on 28 September.  It is also part of a 10,000-book electronic library from across Asia and the Pacific, translated into 60 languages. This collaborative effort brings together the talents of twelve local authors and illustrators. Each book in the series is designed to resonate with Samoan children, featuring stories that reflect their everyday lives, cultural practices and unique environment.

A Visionary Project for Samoa

The series will be introduced to the public through a series of read-aloud campaigns and interactive reading sessions across several schools, early childhood learning centres, reading programs, and primary schools throughout Samoa. Westerlund’s work with this book series is more than just a collection of stories.

“Viia le Alii.  I am so proud of this work.  I congratulate all the authors and illustrators who worked on this project and my colleagues at Asia Foundation.  It is not easy work but one that I really enjoyed.  Not only do I get to fulfil a childhood dream of creating, writing and editing books, I get to work with some truly talented creatives,” she said.

“It is such a blessing to serve and we need books that are engaging, in both Samoan and English, that children can relate to with characters who look and talk like us.  We need stories that young children and adults alike can enjoy reading together.  I hope to create a second book series and our books are already available digitally, absolutely free to read and download’.

The Importance of Literacy in Samoa

Literacy is a cornerstone of education, and in a country like Samoa, where oral traditions have long been the primary means of cultural transmission, the written word is becoming increasingly important. Westerlund recognises this shift and seeks to ensure that Samoa’s rich stories are captured and preserved in written form.

By doing so, she is helping to bridge the gap between the old and new, ensuring that future generations can access relatable stories in a format that is both modern and timeless.

Engaging the Community

What sets this project apart is its community-focused approach. The launch will be accompanied by read-aloud campaigns and reading sessions with schools and early learning centres. Involving educators, parents, and the wider community, creates a supportive environment for young readers, where literacy is celebrated and nurtured.

Westerlund’s efforts also highlight the importance of early childhood education in fostering lifelong learning habits. By targeting young readers, she is laying the foundation for a more literate and educated society, one that values its cultural heritage while embracing the opportunities of the modern world.  

Whether as a consultant in the aviation industry, where precision and knowledge are paramount or as a business consultant helping organizations navigate complex challenges, her work has consistently emphasized the importance of learning and development.   

With this project, Westerlund is taking her passion for education to new heights, inspiring the next generation of readers and writers, to work that will benefit the children of Samoa for generations to come. Her work is a testament to the power of books and the written word as tools for cultural preservation, education, and encouragement.

By Faith Leapai 21 September 2024, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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