Your Career, Your Choice

By Uale Tofilau 16 September 2024, 3:00PM

As students, we often hear a familiar question from family and friends: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's an exciting question, full of possibilities. But sometimes, the excitement fades when we feel pressured to follow a career path chosen by someone else—especially our parents.

Let’s be clear: our parents love us. They want what’s best for us, and often, they believe they know the right path based on their experiences. But here’s the thing—times are changing, and so are the opportunities in the world. A career that made sense for our parents may not be the right fit for us today. More importantly, we are the ones who will live out the career we choose, not them.

Choosing a career is a deeply personal decision. It’s about our passions, interests, and what makes us feel alive. We are the ones who will wake up every morning to go to work, so shouldn’t we be excited about what we do?

No one knows your interests, strengths, and dreams better than you do. You might have a passion for art, sports, technology, or helping others—whatever it is, it's important to listen to that inner voice. Your career should be an extension of what makes you happy and fulfilled.

Imagine doing something you love every day. When you’re passionate about your work, you’re naturally more motivated and driven. This enthusiasm can open doors and lead to greater success because when you love what you do, it hardly feels like work.

The world today is more diverse and full of career opportunities than ever before. From digital creators and entrepreneurs to environmental scientists and game developers, there are careers now that didn’t even exist 20 years ago! Your career doesn’t have to fit into a traditional box, you have the freedom to explore new paths.

While your parents' guidance is valuable, ultimately, it’s your journey. You are the one who will invest the time, effort, and energy into your career. It’s only fair that you get to choose the destination.

Of course, it’s important to have open and respectful conversations with your parents about your career choices. Share your thoughts, listen to their advice, and explain why certain paths excite you. Most importantly, let them see that you are choosing a path that makes you happy and that you are committed to making it work.

Remember: your career is your story to write. Make sure it excites you, challenges you, and reflects who you truly are.

In the end, the greatest success is not just about earning money or fame—it's about finding joy and purpose in what you do. So be bold, dream big, and choose a career that feels right for you. You deserve to follow a path that lights you up from the inside.

It’s your life, your future, and your choice.

By Uale Tofilau 16 September 2024, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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