Mase yet to name team for Italy clash

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 02 July 2024, 9:00PM

Manu Samoa head coach Mase Mahonri Schwalger will announce his squad to take on Italy on Wednesday. The first match in the July Test is set for Friday evening at Apia Park.

 Theodore McFarland has been the only player named during a press conference on Monday after he was appointed the captain.

Tuesday marked the second day Manu Samoa has trained together. The team assembled on Sunday.

Mase said he has selected the best players for the team and their preparations are running smoothly and slowly.

It is believed that Mase will name the team after the training run on Wednesday as Thursday will only be a light run as the two teams take part in the customary captain’s run.

Mase has selected a young squad signalling that he has only brought players in who would stay in peak form if they make it to the 2027 Rugby World Cup.

The July Tests with Italy and Spain serve as preparation for the 2024 Pacific Nations Cup next month. The PNC also serves as a qualifier for the World Cup. With the Flying Fijians and Japan already having qualified given their RWC results, Manu Samoa could still make it.

The training squad consists of eight potential debutants, three players from Manuma and nine from Moana Pasifika.

Italy is poised to arrive in Samoa on Wednesday night.

The match kicks off at 5 pm on Friday.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 02 July 2024, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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