Upgrading Samoa's Health Information System

By SPC 15 May 2024, 5:00PM

A rapid Health Information Systems (HIS) situation overview assessment was undertaken in Samoa that will lead to the development and implementation roadmap for Samoa in HIS, civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL).

This two-day workshop was attended by the Samoa Ministry of Health HIS and ICT team, including its medical records team, clinical coders, and the Samoa Bureau of Statistics, the lead agency for CRVS and advocate for improving health facility data.

The Acting Chief Executive Officer for Samoa Health ICT, Nati Falelima Ropati, said the collaboration between the Pacific Health Information Support Hub (PHISH), the Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN), and Samoa's Ministry of Health (MOH) represents a monumental step forward in enhancing health information and digital systems in Samoa.

“This partnership is about building a resilient health system that supports continuous improvement and learning. As we move forward, it is crucial to maintain this momentum and focus on the implementation of the roadmap, ensuring that every step taken is a step towards a healthier Samoa. This effort is more than a project; it is a lifeline to the future well-being of all Samoans, demonstrating the power of cooperation in transforming healthcare landscapes.”

The workshop was facilitated as part of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) partnerships for a Health Region flagship programme, its Pacific Health Information Support Hub (PHISH) managed through the Australia Institute of Health and Welfare (AIWH) and the Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN) supported through the Pacific Community (SPC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Programme Officer for PHISH at AIHW Kate Spyby said, “The strong relationships developed during this week will provide a robust and collaborative foundation for working together towards health information system strengthening in Samoa. It was a privilege to be invited to support this important work”.

SPC continues to support all member countries in strengthening health systems through improved health information systems for data and evidenced-based reporting.  

HIS Adviser Rumanusina Maua reaffirms that for Samoa, “Key action items have been identified in Samoa’s roadmap both short and long term with more in-country capacity building training as a critical need for its Health Information staff.  Data management and process mapping are the most immediate needs as other digital modules are planned for roll-out and implementation for Samoa’s digital health systems journey”.

By SPC 15 May 2024, 5:00PM
Samoa Observer

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