Christmas Address by Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Malo - Tuimalealiifano Vaaleto’a Sualauvi II

By Christmas Address by Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Malo - Tuimalealiifano Vaaleto’a Sualauvi II 25 December 2021, 12:10AM

I greet you all in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on this joyous day, the commemoration of His Birth.   

Let us glorify our Almighty God and return thanks to Him, because Christmas is indeed a euphoric occasion and testament of His grace for us all in which more than 2021 years ago, the world witnessed the historical fulfilment of the prophecies of the coming of our Savour to this world as a man, who was God Himself, to live with His people. He is the Word, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, born to Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. He is Jesus Christ, the Glory of God, the First Born of all creation, and the Prince of the heavens. To God be the glory, and peace on earth.    

Our journey this year was indeed a challenge to our faith, values and principles as individuals as well as a society.  Despite the undulating tides of uncertainty and impacts on our environment, economy and social fabric of our country, we have risen above all that and a new dawn has emerged reaffirming God’s grace upon Samoa. And we are forever grateful.   

In this connection, I acknowledge the role of our churches and our faith based institutions in Samoa and overseas. Thank you for continuing to uplift our nation, our leaders and our people in prayer, fasting and supplication before the Lord. I firmly believe that your leadership in seeking divine guidance, have sustained Samoa’s status as a nation of peace.

 I thank the Honourable Prime Minister and Cabinet in taking up the gauntlet for leadership as the newly appointed government for this 17th Parliamentary term. Nothing is impossible with God when we trust and worship Him in truth and spirit. I congratulate the Honourable Prime Minister, Afioga Fiame Naomi Mataafa for the historical achievement as the first female Prime Minister of Samoa. May God’s wisdom be upon you as you lead and guide Samoa into the future. 

 I acknowledge the Honourable Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament. Throughout history, we have learnt to navigate our way through tempestuous seas to reach our calm and peaceful destinies.  We have weathered the political conundrum as a result of the general elections in April, and have set our sights on smoother sailing in the future. It is my prayer that the love of God continues to be your shield and flagship of your tenure in office and that you will seek and pursue the best for Samoa and our people. 

 I thank His Honour the Chief Justice and the Justices of the Courts for their perseverance to uphold the integrity, independence and dignity of the Judiciary. May the wisdom of our Lord continue to guide you in your work.

 I pay tribute to the invaluable role and contribution of the Councils of chiefs and orators, the women’s committees, the youth and all the people of Samoa. Your collective efforts to accomplish economic resilience and sustainability, a healthy nation, and to uphold peace and harmony through our Christian and cultural values, are essential and critically important to implementing government developments and future plans for the welfare of our country. 

I also thank our development partners and agencies for their magnanimity in supporting Samoa in its efforts to address the needs of our people.  

 Despite our journey in the midst of these unprecedented times, and especially the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic and of climate change among other challenges, we as a Christian nation shall always be spiritually comforted as reflected in the testament of the Prophet Habakkuk in chapter 3 versus 17-18, which reads “While the fig trees may not bear figs, and although there may be no grapes on the vines, and the fields have become barren. While there may be no sheep in the pens, no cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad in the Lord; I will continue to rejoice in God, my Salvation.” 

 Let us revel in humility, and remain faithful to our Lord in all circumstances in both good and bad times. He will never leave nor forsake us. He is true to His promises. That is why the Word of God became flesh, and brought salvation, peace and joy to the world through Jesus Christ, God’s Christmas gift for us all. 

May the Lord bless and keep us all. May He cause His face to shine upon us and may His peace be upon our country and the world on this Christmas Day and forevermore. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Samoa! 

God bless you all, SOIFUA.

By Christmas Address by Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Malo - Tuimalealiifano Vaaleto’a Sualauvi II 25 December 2021, 12:10AM
Samoa Observer

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