Hello wet season!

By Enid Westerlund. 08 January 2023, 1:00PM

It has been a busy week and the rain is here. The farmers must be celebrating with the extra water but having too much of something is bad too. Too much water can drown your crops, damage roots and ironically start to slowly starve them to death. 

You’d think that more water produces better results but this is not the case. Stay safe and drive slowly in these conditions. There have been far too many tragedies at the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023.

Water is the best thing for your body when it comes to detoxing and renewal. Drinking water is such a simple thing to do, yet has so many benefits for us. Are you drinking enough water? Simplicity. My word for the week. Living a life of simplicity doesn’t mean to live in poverty or without the comforts of life.

To me, living a simple life is living with a unified purpose, discipline that starts as an inward reality, an eternal perspective and a sense of urgency about the things that matter most. My simplicity may not hold the same meaning as yours. How do you define simplicity?

Do you long for a life of simplicity? What can you do, practically speaking, to simplify your life? How can you begin your journey on a life of simplicity?

Simplicity is not easy work as life can get complex many times throughout the year. Keeping up with society and expectations can change the level of simplicity. Decluttering your life whether it comes to possessions or people takes effort and decisions.

We create our own struggles. All the stress and frustrations are our own choices. By making better choices, we simplify our own lives. What are your thoughts? All the busyness and distractions are our own doing too. Think about the many times we’ve said yes to non-priorities and then stressing about how to meet other people’s needs or how to get those things done. 

People pleasing is never good for anyone because in the end, we only have ourselves to deal with. If we live our lives according to other people and their thoughts about us, we’d be live leaves swaying in the wind. Wherever the wind blows, we go. If we are always attached to things and other people instead of being secure in our own decisions, letting go is a struggle.

One of the biggest regrets is probably unreached potential. Everyone is good at something. It takes courage to step out of our comfort zones and use our talents. Use our God given talents to help ourselves first and then help others. Imagine simply choosing one task or one talent and focus on that. 

As we develop and really focus, that will eventually grow as we become better at it. This is also simplicity. Focussing on one thing at a time as it is not easily done today with so many distractions and people needing our time and attention.

How will you simplify your life this year? What are some things that we need to start doing and those that need to be released? Are we holding onto things that do not really matter and not eternal? As we enjoy another peaceful Sunday, let us start 2023 on a new leaf, simplicity.


By Enid Westerlund. 08 January 2023, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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