Between the Lines


Despite the restriction on certain businesses reserved for locals only, there have been more such business investments by foreigners. Something needs to be done.


There were some people taking rides in the stormy weather to explore how some areas had been affected. This is quite risky. Safety should always be a priority.


The strong winds have damaged powerlines in some areas. This puts more pressure on the power company which is already having to fix the underground cable.


Will the red-party axe the nine cabinet ministers? The nine have shown where their allegiance is, the question is will the leader take the same approach as it did with the six others?


It seems that laws will not be made on time as one person has resumed control of parliament. Some people have said the behaviour of the MPS is similar to school children in a fight.


The Solomon Islands government has gone quiet after threatening to charge the head judge of the Pacific pageant. Wonder what the charges would be?

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