Between the Lines
The leader of the red-party needs to explain why he and another minister made the trip to Hong Kong to sign a deal using the Samoan government’s name without cabinet approval.
A diplomatic news site claims that a former cabinet minister had been instrumental in getting direct flights from China. Perhaps that would explain the saga behind the tour company that sprung overnight.
Instead of loans, grants need to be given to promote commercial vegetable farming. This could help bring down the cost of vegetables and promote healthier living.
An expatriate is considering changing jobs to another country solely based on the availability of fresh vegetables and good quality meat. What has happened to agriculture and fisheries policy?
More charging stations are needed as there has been an increase in the importation of electric vehicles. This has something to do with the rebate being given to bring in environmentally friendly vehicles.
A rape victim found the family of the accused outside her house kneeling for forgiveness after he was convicted. Police were called and restraining orders were issued.