Between the Lines


There are rumblings that a top politician would consider retirement from politics at the end of this term. It is believed it has to do with internal bickering.


A few people thanked the government for the New Zealand citizenship. Many have forgotten that the government did not make any submission nor did it show support for the bill.


The prices of food in Samoa even for the locally produced and grown are exorbitant. This makes many unable to access nutritious food.


A customer looking for broccoli questioned a shop staff why just one cost $60. She was told that it was expensive in NZ. A kilogram of the vegetable in NZ costs between NZ$6 to NZ$8.


It was once stated that 100 doctors and up to 500 nurses are needed to get the public health system rightsized. It would interesting to know if half of this has been achieved.


School holidays are approaching soon. Some parents are looking for holiday activities that would keep their children away from their devices. Swimming classes and church activities could provide that.


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