Between the Lines


There was backstage drama on the crowning night. Supporters of the contestants who did not make it were very angry. Loud voices and name calling could be heard.


Cyberbullying was rife on Saturday night and throughout the pageant. Some people choose not to recognise hard work and bully contestants and their support teams online.


One of these days, people riding bikes at night would get into serious accidents. Their bikes do not have lights or reflectors. Some riders even wear dark clothes.


It is interesting to see villages putting up flags for their host nations. If you did not know, Moataa is hosting Nigeria, Fagalii is hosting Pakistan, Vaimoso the Maldives and Vailele PNG.


An effort should be made by the government to persuade the leaders of different countries to visit the villages flying their national flags. Even if it is for a couple of hours.


Saturday night was full of people in town. A lot of people staggered out of the crowning night and straight to fast food joints.


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