Between the Lines


People with multiple rental flats must have separate water metres for tenants. A Vailele family had their water shut off because another tenant had failed to pay his share of the bill.


A bingo operation in Pesega near the highway is becoming a traffic hazard. Vehicles park on footpaths and taxis are stopping on the main highway causing jams.


Government vehicles should not double park on the main highway. One was spotted last week parked near Vaimoa along the Vaitele highway during peak lunch hour traffic, being a traffic nuisance.


It might be the right time for government ministries and even some private companies to take their staff through customer service or hospitality classes. We need smiles for CHOGM and not frowns.


A man who lost a few kilos found trousers he had bought a year ago to be loose around the waist. He took it to a tailor for stitching on the side which took less than two minutes and was charged $30.


It is good to see the LTA scheduling their work for reinstatement in town to start after 6 pm. That is smart because it does not disrupt traffic and workers are safer.


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