Between the Lines


Can the labour ministry check on security companies? Even after the notice of working hours, some security personnel are still working more than 24 hours.


There should also be a check on companies regarding minimum wage. There are reports that some companies are still paying below the new minimum wage and some do not pay the SNPF at all.


A Samoan hotel has made the pages of a British daily. It is regarding the stay of the King and Queen in October.


It has been made clear that district councils need business licenses to operate anything that makes them money. Will those be charged or taken to task for doing such things without the licenses?


The number of dogs, stray or owned is increasing and most are not friendly to pedestrians. It might be a worthwhile exercise to limit their numbers by October.


Good work by the boys in blue for their patrols along the seawall areas and nabbing people drinking in public places. Could you consider increasing the patrol to other areas?

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