Between the Lines


It was generous for an outgoing top bureaucrat to pay for the staff party and give money to the board directors. But wait according to the chairman board approved the money. So, whose money was used for the party?


Savaii residents had trouble telling overseas and local Samoans apart. Unlike yesteryears, even those from Upolu were working around with fans. Blame the heat.


This season must have been a record for the number of matai titles handed out. Some are wondering if this will impact the number of untitled men in the villages and who will be doing their roles.


Let’s hope the courthouses are given a break. With several matai titles handed out, hopefully, all parties agree to the titles and not end up in court in the course of the next month or so.


The chicken shortage is leading to the unavailability of chicken and chips and other chicken-related fast foods. Great time for villages to start fishing for meals, a much healthier option.


Public servants on break are hopefully looking forward to getting back to work next week and fulfill their duties to the public. Or is there going to be a surge in flu-like illnesses?



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