Between the Lines


Rumour has it that a hotel in Sogi has been sold to new owners. There has been chatter among staff about new owners coming with a different approach. Only time will tell if this is true.


Road rage knows no age. Two elderly taxi drivers had a war of words and were even ready for a fight in Apia. The poor customer had to plead with her driver that she was in a rush. Stay cool, it’s hot outside.


Many people are happy that the dividend will be a cash payout. It is just 2.4 per cent which means that if your balance is $1000 you will receive only $24. You better leave it in for retirement.


The police officer who allegedly assaulted a woman in public has been spotted on duty. Aren’t officers supposed to be on leave when they are being investigated?


Do not fall for ads on social media calling for applications to study in the USA. Universities and educational institutions do their advertisements, do not be fooled by ads that ask you to pay upfront.


Anyone planning on checking into a hotel or resort for this weekend or the next will have to be extremely lucky to get space. With an influx of visitors and locals looking for a getaway, every known location is a full house.


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