Between the Lines


The Speaker of the House should consider writing directly to the Opposition leader instead of the continuous barrage of press releases on the same issue.


It would be interesting to see if the company that will be given the tender for the long overdue construction of a school has any connection to people holding offices.


It seems like an important part of the Samoan culture is about to go extinct as fautasi races have been cancelled for the upcoming races. Soon it will all be a distant memory.


Kudos to the people at the ports authority for remodelling the wharf at Mulifanua. Traffic is much better and people are rarely bumping into each as they go through the gates.


While so much ruckus is made about China’s involvement in Pacific security, police officers from the region are headed there for a three-week seminar. Where is the concern now?


Stones were thrown at cars and security had to close gates to protect people at a popular Apia nightclub after a brawl erupted. The boys in blue did show up but the action continued after they left.

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