Between The Lines


Our political masters are hawkeyed when it comes to stories in their party’s favour, every time there’s a feel-good story, they don’t hesitate to praise the scribes!


Folks at the Ministry of Transport need to service multiple traffic lights in Apia before CHOGM officials start arriving. Time to walk the talk. 


Obviously, there’s a deadlock between public hospital doctors and the agency charged with looking after the welfare of public servants. Is a strike looming?


The top health boss, only a couple of months into his appointment, must be missing the serenity of the NUS Campus!


Local producers of kipi Samoa are working overtime to meet customer demand, even investing time in adding different flavours! Be careful with the mixing folks. 


Heard official tobacco makers need to do more effective marketing to win back their customers, who switched to e-cigarettes and don’t want to go back.

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