Between The Lines
Even the Bible says one should go by the book. But one contract awarded recently for a church conference raised eyebrows, as the committee treasurer owns the firm!
Word is all the tsunami sirens that were installed on the south coast of Upolu have not been serviced in a long while. Which Ministry is responsible?
Any updates on fixing Apia’s parking meters? One motorist noticed its clock was 25 minutes late, as it showed 10.05 am when the actual local time was 10.30 am!
Word on the grapevine of a major lawsuit targeting Samoa’s football governing body. Demands being considered include backpay of salaries.
A town restaurant getting special attention from cops-on-bikes? The boys in blue spend 2-3 hours daily at the eatery, when they should be doing their street patrols.
A police truck was sighted at Leauvaa around 10 pm Sunday night being driven with just one working light. How do you expect drivers to follow the law when cops are breaking it?