KL security guards complete new training
Some 30 security guards with KL Security, Samoa's largest and oldest security company, completed a new Level 1 training course on Wednesday to sharpen their skills as long-standing protectors of Government, businesses and clubs around the nation.
The one-day training workshop was delivered with the support of Samoa Qualifications Authority (S.Q.A.) on Wednesday, 31 March, 2021 at the KL headquarters in Faatoia. At the conclusion of the training, participants were presented with Level 1 certificates reflecting their advanced skills.
Contributors included Avaia Suemalo Lautusi from the Ministry of Health (M.O.H.), Fanaea Taulealo and Lauina Leilua from the Samoa Tourism Authority (S.T.A.), Apelu Sauoaiga from the Samoa Fire & Emergency Services Authority (F.E.S.A.) and Bella Simeti from the Disaster Management Office/National Emergency Operations Center (D.M.O./N.E.O.C.).
“KL Security holds regular in-house refresher workshops to ensure guards are well trained and adequately prepared to carry out their functions when they are deployed. KL security aims to provide an enabling environment that allows continuous learning for its staff and workshops,” the company said in a statement to the Samoa Observer.
“The purpose of our in-house training and workshops are to refine the skills whilst re-emphasising the expectations of a KL Security Guard when assigned to sites under our care.
"It is also imperative to note that because of the reliance and trust placed on us by our valued clients, it is our duty to ensure that we are investing in our staff, have instruments in place to protect our clients from loss…the standard of service we hope to resonate as a security company is one that is value-added, reliable, well supported in terms of infrastructure, equipment and facilities and with proven industry experience.”
Content ranged from basic hygiene, correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.), customer relations, first response to disaster preparedness and quarantine site policies.
Key elements pertinent to the roles and expectations of a properly trained Security Guard were discussed in detail by S.Q.A. approved KL Security Trainers, Tapunuu Kaino Fuataga Kasimani and Tuimulivai Fritz Fuataga Kasimani.
In addition, physical fitness and self defence techniques were demonstrated by the trainers in an overall aim to build awareness on the importance of a healthy active lifestyle.
Tunu Magele Vili and Uati Tautua, Managers of KL Security with over 40 years of experience between them shared their wealth of knowledge on critical skills required of a security guard including conflict management, risk mitigation, effective reporting and a teachable attitude.
As Samoa’s only recognised non-formal learning provider for basic security guard training. The company said they were proud to deliver learning programmes that had been vetted and endorsed by the S.Q.A.
KL management extended their thanks to Lealiifano Easter Manila-Silipa, Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) of S.Q.A. for the unwavering support and Mary Agnes Talafaaoti, Post School Education Training (P.S.E.T.) Fund Co-ordinator S.Q.A. for the assistance provided.
“We are also immensely grateful to our presenters and their respective organisations for accepting the invitation to impart their expertise in what was an engaging session for our staff, holistically designed to reflect the evolving role of a Security Guard,” the company said on their Facebook page.
KL Security has a staff base of 140 security guards. It is a family-owned company founded by the late Fuataga Kasimani Lautusi established in 1983.
Their guards provide security for private-owned companies, Government, state-owned enterprises, clubs and societies.
They provide loss prevention for supermarkets, retail shops; access control for properties that require screening of visitors; crowd control for sporting events or private functions; close personal protection for V.I.P.s; transport of valuables and mobile surveillance.
KL Security plans to establish an academy for security guards.
“KL Security is a combination of vision and passion that our father had back in the 80’s when he first arrived back after studying in Christchurch. He came and saw that in the future, this was something that would be needed, that is a service that would be in high demand and that is why he started this company in 1983,” KL Security’s Taueu Kasimani-Laumea told the Samoa Observer.
“Unfortunately, he passed away 10 years ago this year and this is a very opportune time that we have started to do these programs to really branch out and keep working toward this vision he had, and this is all part of it.
"In the future we hope to set up an academy for security guards…[to ensure] they are certified and accredited by the S.Q.A. to deliver these programs, to lay the foundation… hopefully achieve our dream of setting up an academy.”