Cricket siblings proud to represent Samoa

Cricket siblings Faasao Fredrick Mulivai and Lily Sinei Mulivai are proud to have represented Samoa in both the men and the women’s national T20 cricket competition.
Faasao and Lily told the Samoa Observer that it is an honour and a privilege to represent their country in the sport that they love.
“It’s a great feeling to be representing your family, especially for mum and dad, who have been the backbone of it all, coming to all our games as kids and still supporting us now as much older adults.”
Their parents Lauvale Mulivai and Tuifaasisina Pato Mulivai from the villages of Falefa, Moata’a, Faleapuna and Satuimalufilufi couldn’t be prouder of their children, having supported them in cricket for over 20 years.
Their father, Lauvale Mulivai, was delighted that both of his children's teams have won medals in the Pacific Games cricket competition, which ended yesterday at the Faleata cricket fields.
Faasao’s team got the bronze medal in the men’s competition and Lily’s team successfully defended their 2015 Pacific Games title and got the gold in the women's competition.
“The whole family is happy for them”, Mr. Mulivai says, "and we will celebrate first thing on Sunday by giving our thanks to God."
Eldest of the two siblings, Faasao Mulivai, recalls how he felt during the opening ceremony at Apia Park last Sunday night. He said walking behind the Samoan flag together with his little sister will forever be one of the proudest moments in his cricket career.
The siblings say that they’ve grown up being the only Samoans on the team and that it’s great to be playing with Samoans now in the national team.
“Being in a team environment is such a special feeling and being a part of these moments with them is so cool.”
Improving the sport of cricket in Samoa is important to the siblings, who say that maintaining the talent with Samoa's young athletes – with the help of local cricket clinics – will keep them interested and happy.
Lily Mulivai said the Pacific Games is an important platform for cricket to gain more exposure within the country.
“The game is definitely growing here in Samoa, and it’s good to see so many young cricketers coming into the sport and the amount of passion they have for it.”
She said it was also good to see Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi being a part of the Pacific Games and Samoa has done well.
“It’s great to see the roots growing here, and it’s only going to get bigger and better for Samoa.”
The siblings believe that although Samoa is a small island nation, it has so much talent that needs to be harnessed.