Street Talk -How can Samoa stop relying on imported foods?

By Gutu Faasau 02 December 2022, 4:00AM

Reupena Mulipola, 45, Manono

"We can go about this is by going out ourselves to work the land and by making use of our strength. That's how we can get food for ourselves. There are many things that we can do to provide for our families, it's just that we don't move to do it. We shouldn't depend on imported goods because we can work and provide for what we need with what we already have around us like the sea and our plantations."

Leone Ferenise, 38, Puipaa

"We don't really need anything from overseas because we have our own land to work for food. If we can do the work and put in the effort then we can earn the money ourselves by selling the produce of our land. We can earn money ourselves by selling to our own people and from what we earn we can use it for household necessities, for church programs and to take care of our kids"

Tavita Gasologa, 19, Puipaa

"There are a lot of benefits from harvesting and providing for yourself from the fruit of the land, unlike the stuff you get from overseas, like canned tin fish, we can fish for ourselves which is a much healthier option. I fish for my own fish to sell and its always a big haul when i go fishing. A lot of the canned products you buy has a lot of preservatives that keeps it from expiring and that can affect your health. It's much better for us to find what we need in our own country and we'll be blessed by God for our efforts."

Setema Faatili, 60, Vaitele

"Times have changed and the reality is that we can't stop the importing of goods from overseas. There is a limit to the things we can harvest and grow here in our country. I think that imported goods should continue to be brought in and it can't be stopped."

By Gutu Faasau 02 December 2022, 4:00AM

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