Public welcome White Sunday celebrations

By Gutu Faasau 08 October 2022, 8:18PM

Iesa Taisaoletuiatua, 19, Aleipata 

"I came to do the shopping for white Sunday, and I spent most of my money that I've been saving for almost the whole year. I will be cooking, ironing clothes and preparing for my bible verse tomorrow, Happy White Sunday everybody".

Ioane Lemo, 48, Vaiusu

"I came today to do some shopping and to pick up a banner that shows a dear loved one and in remembrance of her. I am also able to do some shopping for clothes for the children and especially for food, a great day to prepare for tomorrow".

Aso Letoga, 22, Mulifanua 

"I'm doing a tauloto and doing dances tomorrow we will also be performing a little skit for White Sunday. Today I am doing some shopping, looking for a nice and affordable Puletasi and I want to wish everyone a Happy White Sunday and have fun".

Bisto Likisone, 25, Vaimoso

"White Sunday is for the kids and we should celebrate them, I hope everyone is putting their children first and not adults today. I am here to help my parents with their stall so I am sitting here relaxing while looking after everything".

Jeniffer Laulu, 23, Vaiusu

"We are here for shopping for the kids, you know I have to like leave everything at home and spend today with the kids because tomorrow is White Sunday and it is a special day for them. Just the norms of a big feast tomorrow after church and then we will see if we can go to a beach on Monday. Since tomorrow is white Sunday, make sure that the kids are happy".

Robert Lui Schwalger, 70, Lalovaea

"White Sunday is really the best time for us to sell as much as we can during this period and use the money for the staff and for the running of business. It's been really good, it's always been positive, Saturday is the last day so we try sell as much as we can, bring the prices down and sell it. Tomorrow with most of our families we will have a big toonai and most probably go for a swim".

By Gutu Faasau 08 October 2022, 8:18PM

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