Village eyes "messengers of peace" role
The village council of Lalomauga has committed their village to take on the role of "messengers of peace" in a bid to address the abuse of women and girls.
This assurance was given by the village council during a two-day workshop as part of a Government-funded project implemented by the Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G.) to eliminate violence against women and girls, according to a statement released by the humanitarian organisation.
According to the village council, Lalomauga is one family all attending one church, the Congregational Christian Church Samoa (CCCS) and beneath the mountain stands the holy throne of the Lord.
"O le Nofoalii Paia o le Atua in which the key message of the Lalomauga’s community guide was drawn from.
"O Olotavae ma Mateilonoanuu are the messengers of peace where women and girls are safe."
According to the Lalomauga village leaders, Olotavae and Mateilonanuu are the two meeting houses for the high chiefs of the village. It is at these meeting houses where decisions for the governance of the village are made; where problems within the village are resolved; and where peace is permeated.
With the arrival of Christianity, Lalomauga set up a third and most important meeting house, the Holy Throne of the Lord, which reiterates how the village refers to themselves as the messengers of God and for peace and unity.
There was a sense of pride and an overall feeling of ownership amongst the participants once they have completed the first draft of their community guide.
According to the village leaders of Lalomauga, being able to discuss and document some of the Samoan proverbs, legends, myths pertaining to their village has been a valuable exercise for the younger generation who were present.
Reverend Sakaio Maiava of the CCCS at Lalomauga stressed the importance of the workshops as the village council had opened up the opportunity for the women, untitled men and younger men to take part in designing the community guide.
The village leaders thanked SVSG and the Government for the opportunity for their village to benefit from the Project, and requested more projects for their village in the future.
The workshop with village leaders is one of the main activities of the Government Project implemented by SVSG to eliminate violence against women and girls, fronted by men and boys, and guided by the theme: E le Saua Tamalii (noblemen don’t hit).